How did this site get started?  Read more on the story of how I believe the Lord brought this about.

It has been over 12 years ago when I heard the voice of the Lord telling me to start a site on the network called "First Internet Church".  This was during a time in my life when I was just beginning to understand that the Lord will speak to us specifically.  I had been a lifelong Christian in Baptist churches and was well practiced at knowing how to pray.  But what I wasn't understanding was the fact that God wants to speak to us about our individual circumstances.  It was during this time that I began to hear the Lord's voice and was learning how to respond.  However, when I heard this Word I was very hesitant to believe that it was His voice I was hearing.  I was primarily reluctant to acknowledge this as His voice because I had a prejudice against the name.  During my church years, I had grown tired of churches being known as "First" or "Second" whatever churches, and so I did not want to be a part of something that used that name in a title.

As the weeks went by I began to argue with the Lord during my prayer time, but unlike most events in the past His voice was ringing louder and louder within my spirit.  Finally, I decided to share this instruction with two men that I considered my elders and particularly my concern over the use of the name to be used.  They committed themselves to pray about it.  The next day they both came back with very explicit testimonies of how they too heard the Lord's voice concerning this matter.  What they heard was a confirmation of what I had been told and therefore encouraged me to proceed ahead.  At that point I engaged them to join with me in the process of developing this site.

I had been the owner of a computer software development company, so I was very comfortable with what I perceived to be the task at hand.  I jumped in with both feet and began designing a web site that was my idea of what this should be.  Shortly afterwards, when it was time to begin writing the code to implement my plan, a relative of one of the elders offered his company's programmers to build the site.  So, I flew to Dallas and met with them and laid out the entire plan.

Everything looked good and I was excited to be involved in an effort that I believed that the Lord had instructed me to specifically do.  But then disaster struck.  Within two weeks of the visit to Dallas the company that was going to do the coding of the site began having financial problems and this project was put on hold.  At this point I won't go into all the wonderings, struggles, attempts, etc. that we tried in developing this site other than to say that we attempted it many more times only to be thwarted at every turn.  We would even leave it alone for several years and then try to pick it up again, but to no avail. 

This past year (2011) something changed.  I wish I could say I knew what that change was but I can't.  However, I did begin to recognize that pieces of the project were coming together, although I had not been pursuing any.  Some of those pieces were as follows: 1) a company capable of writing the code was right here in my town, 2) I met a man who had the skill and desire to be the webmaster for the site, 3) an editor to edit all the Bible based lessons that I had written over the years.  All these pieces are the same ones that we have always needed but for some reason they came together in 2011.

Now in 2012, as of this writing, we are loading the data and activating the site.  As we are in the process of doing so one other unusual thing is happening.  Our ministry team has started getting requests from some old acquaintances  to provide them with personal ministry services, such as weekly video conferencing, teachings, and personal spiritual help in their circumstances.  Our team has been involved for many years in ministering to burned out pastors and in discipling those who want to become more active in ministry opportunities, but these requests will take us to a different level of relationship.  So, it appears a plan is coming together, but just not my plan.  It appears to be the Lord's plan.  And I'm guessing that even some day in the future He may reveal to me why He picked this name.

So that's my brief testimony about this site.  I have come to peace with the name and am looking forward to what the Lord has in store as He brings us into relationship with each other.


P.S.  By the way, this site does not have even one feature of what I thought it should look like 12 years ago.


Posted in: First Internet Church

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Hi Olivia,
We registered the name at the very beginning.  Even though it has been over 12 years we continued to reserve this name.  Back then we wondered if we should reserve all the extension names (ie. org, com, etc) but we began to realize that as the internet expanded then it would not be practical.

March 29, 2012 - 2:52 pm


Hi Thad.
Thanks for letting us know how this site came about. You indicated it was over 12 years ago you heard the Lord say what to call it and you began working on it.  When did you actually register the name? I find it amazing that it was available when you did. What I found when I went to was nothing like what you have and is even worse! People will need to be careful to go to your .net site when looking for you.
Just thought I would mention this.

March 29, 2012 - 11:38 am

JD Worley

Hi Thad, well done on your history of this site. I, like you, don’t agree with the name because it obviously is not the ‟FIRST‟. There are many Internet Chuches. However if that is the name the LORD gave you & it was confirmed, then all you can do is trust & obey.
Wendy and I attend 2 Internet churches on Sunday and they are “live” “real time” churches.
Your format is a good one for people who want to really get in there and study the Scriptures. I will be reading more of your lessons now that I know your site is up and running again. I like the “plain and simple” look. The ones with all the graphics and rotating links I find distracting.
That is great that the Lord is speaking to your heart. He is a loving God and He does want to dialogue with us.
Thank you for being obedient to the Lord and going ahead with this vision the Lord has given to you.
God Bless all your efforts.
Joe Dan

March 22, 2012 - 6:25 am From United States

John Waling

This was a really good understanding of how this site came to be. Since I like this “discussion style” of this blog, I am wondering how I can get all blogs done by Thad, not just responses to this blog or other ministers blogs unless I see that I like their typical blog content and want an email of theirs too. Will I have have to log on to this site to find out that Thad has done additional blogs?
Please respond via the comments so that others who read this later will be able to receive blogs via email from their site blogger of choice.

March 16, 2012 - 2:21 pm

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